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Trendy English Talks Ivanovo

Trendy English Talks Ivanovo

Команда Trendy English и школа английского языка Инглиш.ру приглашают студентов и магистрантов факультета романо-германской филологии на Trendy English Talks Ivanovo!

Trendy English Talks – это неформальная встреча преподавателей английского, которая поможет поднять профессиональный уровень, даст новые знания и возможность познакомиться с коллегами и обменяться опытом.

Дата: 14 октября 2018 г. в 15:00. Место проведения: Точка кипения – Иваново (ул. 8 Марта, д. 32, ТРЦ «Серебряный город»). Регистрация на сайте.

Тема Trendy English Talks Ivanovo – Современные тренды в ELT. Формат Trendy English Talks подразумевает несколько 20-минутных выступлений по заявленной теме. В перерывах будет возможность задать вопросы, поделиться своими секретами и «фишками» из опыта, обменяться контактной информацией.

Мероприятие бесплатное!

Приглашенные спикеры:

  • Elena Peresada, What makes a good game

Many teachers say that their teenage students don’t like playing games anymore. But people don’t stop loving games with the age. Unfortunately, English teachers know too little about game design to be able to involve growing students with educational games. In my talk I’ll explain what makes a good educational game and how to choose a proper game for teens.

Elena Peresada is an English teacher, a teacher trainer and a materials writer. She is the the author of StudyCraft methodology at http://www.studycraft.ru/ and the leader of Trendy English Community http://trendyenglish.ru/.

  • Evgeny Usachev, Using technology for exam preparation

As we sail through the 21st century, technology in the classroom is becoming more and more predominant. Tablets are replacing our textbooks, and we can research just about anything that we want to on our smartphones. Social media has become commonplace, and the way we use technology has completely transformed the way we live or lives.

This widespread adoption of technology has completely changed how teachers teach and students learn. One of the major challenges English teachers face these days is how to use digital tools to prepare students for different types of exams. In this talk we will be looking at a few ideas and tools that can help teachers to prepare students for national and international exams and to utilise the power of the digital devices in a positive and productive way.

Evgeny Usachev, TESOL qualified, is a Vice President and an ELT teacher at the Moscow International Academy. He also heads a Post-graduate Studies Teacher training department at the Academy. Evgeny specializes in providing trainings and seminars on how to teach adults and use digital products in ELT. 

  • Daria Timoshchuk, CLIL approach for young learners: how to make each stage of your class awesome

- How CLIL works with young learners.

- What is SmartFox’s KDPK method.

- Hints that will help to enrich each stage of you English class.

Daria Timoshchuk is a teacher, founder and leading methodologist of SmartFox chain of early development centres. Daria also co-authors Lingoland multilingualism magazine as well as a bilingualism and early development blog at www.kidsmi.ru. She runs various courses for owners, teachers and administrators of early development centres, gives conference talks on preschool and alternative education, foreign languages and educational business.
Daria is a proud mother of two multilingual children growing up with 4 languages.