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Further education

Ivanovo State University runs a wide range of educational services in the sphere of further education for different categories of trainees.

The International Center of Further Education (ICFE) offers the following courses:

  • Comprehensive school teacher
  • High school teacher
  • Speech therapist
  • Preschool teacher by the Federal State Educational Standards
  • Management in education
  • Psychological problems of training
  • The GTO (Ready for Labour and Defence) training program in PE practice
  • Preparation for EGE (Ediniy Gosudarstvenniy Ekzamen, Unified State Exam, USE) and OGE (Osnovnoy Gosudarstvenniy Ekzamen, Basic State Exam, BSE)
  • Clinical psychology
  • Management
  • Landscape design and interior photodesign
  • Contract system in the sphere of purchases in accordance with Federal Law № 44 and Federal Law № 223
  • Domestic tourism groups guide

The educational and methodics centre «Perspectiva» («Perspective») runs the following courses in the sphere of economics:

  • Accounting in commercial and state-financed organizations,
  • Internal control,
  • Management and financial accounting,
  • Training of chief accountants and chief financial officers of commercial and state-financed organizations.

The Center of foreign languages «IN’YAZ» offers the following courses:

  • Interpreter in the Sphere of Professional Communication. Successful graduates are awarded the qualification of interpreter. Duration of studies – 3 years.
  • Language courses for children, teenagers and adults, corporate training
  • Preparation for BSE/USE in foreign languages. Duration of studies – 6,5 months
  • Preparation for international examinations (FCE, CAE, TOEFL, IELTS, Goethe-Zertifikat, DaF etc.)
  • Summer language school «Hogwarts»


The International centre of further education

8 (4932) 93-94-77

The Educational and methods centre «Perspectiva»

8 (4932) 93-82-21

The Centre of foreign languages «IN’YAZ»

8 (4932) 57-59-95

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