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International activities

International Relations Office

Address: 153025, Ivanovo, Yermak St., 39., office 374

Ph.: (4932) 30-16-77,

ph./fax:  (4932) 32-66-00


The mission of Ivanovo State University in the sphere of international cooperation is its development as a leading international scientific and educational centre in the region. This ambition is based on the great competence of our university’s scientific-educational staff and promotion of cross-cultural tolerance.

Realization of the key directions of international activity includes – among other things – the work in providing academic mobility and export of educational services.

An important indicator of international recognition level of the university is availability of cooperation agreements with foreign institutions of higher education and organizations. Over the past few years the activities as well as success level of IvSU in this direction has been considerable. Today IvSU has partner relations with educational and scientific institutions of Germany (Passau, Vechta), Denmark (Randers), the Czech Republic (České Budějovice), Great Britain (York), Finland (Tampere), Italy (Florence), China (Xiangtan), Vietnam (Hanoi), Bulgaria (Sofia), Serbia (Belgrade), the Republic of Belarus (Brest), etc.

The current agreements give a real chance to students and professors of IvSU to improve their professional knowledge and language skills, to get acquainted with culture of various countries and to gain experience of cross-cultural communication during the implementation of the exchange education (Finland, Germany), participations in language courses (England, Turkey, Germany, the Czech Republic), undertaking scientific internships and cultural educational tours (Italy, Denmark, Germany, China).

As part of our cooperation with Passau university (Germany) students of IvSU have an opportunity to pass the international examination certifying their level (in accordance with CEFR) of the German language competence in Ivanovo. The European Diploma Supplement, that guarantees the international recognition of IvSU’s diploma, gives an additional chance to IvSU’s graduates in formation of professional career. More than 50 students have received this supplement so far.

The university pays much attention to the development of scientific cooperation with the leading foreign institutions of higher education. It is reflected in holding the numerous international conferences which are organized in IvSU. It ought to be noted that the conferences are arranged by the staff of scientific schools which have gained the international recognition. These conferences include international schools and conferences on studies of intelligentsia  (the Chairperson – Prof. V. S. Memetov), lexicography (the Chairperson – Prof. O. M. Karpova), liquid crystals (the Chairperson – Prof. N. V. Usol’tseva), questions  dedicated to church, state and society (the Chairperson – Prof. A. A. Kornikov), the Hague model of the UN (the Chairperson – Prof. D. I. Polyvyanny).

International participants of the conferences also take part in the special programme «The Guest-Professor» within which foreign scientists deliver lectures and hold seminars for students of IvSU.

In many respects the development of international cooperation and scientific potential of IvSU is promoted by the international grants which are received by professors and employees of IvSU on a competitive basis in coordination with various funds, organizing committees of conferences, foreign organizations (e.g. DAAD, the Fulbright Program, the Ford Fund, the Tempus Programme, and also the Russian funds such as the Russian Federal Property Fund, the RFH, etc.). The best students and graduates of IvSU get the Russian Presidential Scholarships and Russian Government Scholarships for education and internships abroad.

Students and postgraduates from more than 40 countries study at the University. This direction of the international relations is carried out by the Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Foreign Specialists’ Training. The Preparatory Department runs the courses of the Russian language. In June 2000 the opening of the headquarters of the Ivanovo branch of the Association of International Students in Russia (AIS) took place in IvSU. Successful cooperation of IvSU with the AIS promotes the best adaptation of international students to new study and life conditions which is reflected in holding different joint cultural and sport events. In IvSU international students not just receive professional education and take part in conferences, but also get acquainted with the culture and traditions of Russia.

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