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Ivanovo State University


Ivanovo State University was founded on December 21, 1918 as Ivanovo-Voznesensk Institute of National Education. On July 12, 1923 it was transformed into a teacher training college which in its turn served as a basis for creating a teacher training institute in August of 1932. That institute was named after D. A. Furmanov. Ivanovo State University – as a successor of that institute – has been successfully functioning since 1973.

IvSU has accreditation and license from the Russian Ministry of Education. It is a member of Euroasian association of universities and Russian Association of Classical Universities, co-operates with educational institutions of Germany (Passau University and the Berlin Technical University), Sweden (University of Uppsala), Denmark (Aarhus University, Institute of Business and Technology in Herning) and China (Xiangtan University) among many others. The training of international students has started in 60's with the programs for the students from socialist countries. In 1982 the separated Department of Russian as a Foreign Language was created in order to prepare international students to study in Russia. It was the first university in the region offering degrees unusual in the Soviet system: economics (1976), law (1962), sociology (1999) and applied programming.

IvSU has different types of programs from traditional five years specialist degree to four years bachelor's degree and two years master's degree following the modernization of Russian education system and Bologna Process.


  • education on a budgetary as well as on a fee-paying basis (bachelor degree, master degree, postgraduate education and doctor degree) in different forms of study: intramural, extra-mural  and a combination of these 2 forms;
  • opportunities for receiving the second higher education and additional qualifications;
  • further education programs.

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