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14 Января, 2022
Meeting of "IvSU Ambassadors" project the participants with the leadership of the university

Meeting of "IvSU Ambassadors" project the participants with the leadership of the university

On January 14, our university hosted the first meeting of schoolchildren from the city and the region – registered participants of the project "IvSU Ambassadors" – with the leadership of the university. The project "IvSU Ambassadors" is aimed at popularizing the brand of our university among potential groups of applicants. Ambassadors of IvSU among schoolchildren are those pupils who are planning to enter our university and are ready for various cooperation with the university.

13 Января, 2022
5 questions about the omicron strain

5 questions about the omicron strain

  1. How are the symptoms of "omicron" different from the symptoms of "delta"?

In contrast to the symptoms caused by the delta strain, when infected with "omicron", weakness and headaches are more disturbing, the sense of smell is lost and taste sensations change much less often.

28 Декабря, 2021
On joint educational programs with West Kazakhstan State University

On joint educational programs with West Kazakhstan State University

On December 28, a videoconference was held between representatives of IvSU leadership with the West Kazakhstan State University, our partner, with whom we concluded an Agreement on cooperation at the beginning of 2021.

23 Декабря, 2021
What to do if someone in the family has the flu or coronavirus infection?

What to do if someone in the family has the flu or coronavirus infection?

  1. Call a doctor.
  2. Give the patient a separate room. If this is not possible, keep a distance of at least 1 meter from the patient.
  3. Minimize contact between the sick and other people, especially children, the elderly and those with chronic illnesses.
16 Декабря, 2021
20th anniversary of the journal "Liquid Crystals and their Application"

20th anniversary of the journal "Liquid Crystals and their Application"

On 15 December, 2021 Nanomaterials Research Institute staff led by prof. Nadezhda V. Usoltseva held the Round Table as part of the "VII Chistyakov Readings", dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the journal "Liquid Crystals and their Application". More than 60 scientists from the cities of Russia, near and far abroad took part in the meeting in an online format.

15 Декабря, 2021
At «Young Scientists Congress-2021»

At «Young Scientists Congress-2021»

On 8-10 December, 2021, Young Scientists Congress-2021 was held in Sirius Science City, on the sunny coast near the resort city of Sochi. Ivanovo State University was represented by 2 members of the Council of Young Scientists: Safonova Anastasia, teacher of the Department of Information Technologies and Applied Mathematics of Institute of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, employee of the REC Industrial Information Technologies; and Kiselev Vadim, post-graduate student of the Department of Mathematics, Informatics and Teaching Methods of IvSU Shuya Branch, Head of the Department of Information Policy and Logistics of IvSU Shuya Branch.

07 Декабря, 2021
Our representatives at #МыВместе Forum

Our representatives at #МыВместе Forum

Representatives of Ivanovo State University took part in the International Forum of Civil Participation #МыВместе (“we are together”), timed to coincide with the celebration of Volunteer Day.

02 Декабря, 2021
Seven questions about the new omicron coronavirus variant

Seven questions about the new omicron coronavirus variant

  1. How is the new omicron variant different from other coronavirus variants?

The new genovariant of the coronavirus line B.1.1.529, according to the WHO classification, was named "omicron" and was recognized as a variant of concern (VOC).

29 Ноября, 2021
Participation of IvSU students in International Festival of World’s Cultural Expressions "The World in Florence"

Participation of IvSU students in International Festival of World’s Cultural Expressions "The World in Florence"

Cooperation with the Italian Cultural Foundation Romualdo del Bianco is one of the longest and most successful in the international activities of our university. Since 2008, IvSU has been implementing an international student integration project, jointly with the Romualdo del Bianco Foundation, dedicated to the creation of an encyclopedic associative dictionary for guides and tourists “Florence in the Works of World Famous People” (supervisor – doctor of philology prof. Olga M. Karpova). Teachers and students of IvSU regularly deliver reports at conferences and forums organized by the Fund, dedicated to the preservation of cultural heritage and promotion of historical and cultural territories.
