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At the "Job Fair 2023"

At the "Job Fair 2023"

One of the most popular events within the Career Week was the Job Fair, where organizations from various fields of activity were represented: education, manufacturing, social services, law, banking, and others.

The event, held by the Career Center, was attended by 26 organizations, divided by the organizers into three blocks: educational institutions, law enforcement agencies and business companies. So, the first block was represented by schools No. 4, 22, 41, and LLC "Academy of Development" ("UnikUm"), enterprises - "Russian Service Company", VTB Bank, "Sberbank", LLC "Polymer Export", "Kangaroo" , "Egger", Voxys and others.

There were students from all areas of training, who showed great interest in various organizations. Now, for example, there is a shortage of personnel in schools in the city of Ivanovo, so school staff actively interacted with future teachers, talked about the benefits of working.

3rd-4th year students received enough information about what opportunities are open to them in work practice, as well as labor activity. But students of 1-2 courses at our "Job Fair" found several offers from employers for part-time work.

Thanks to the representatives of the organizations for the opportunity to have a substantive and useful discussion!
