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11 Апреля, 2022
Students of the Faculty of Law of IvSU successfully performed at the International Competition of Video Presentations “Challenges of the 21st Century”

Students of the Faculty of Law of IvSU successfully performed at the International Competition of Video Presentations “Challenges of the 21st Century”

The results of the International Competition of Video Presentations in English “Challenges of the 21st Century”, which was held jointly by the Belarusian State University, Karaganda State Technical University and Ivanovo State Power University, have been summed up.

03 Апреля, 2022
Scientists of IfH IvSU took part in a large scientific forum

Scientists of IfH IvSU took part in a large scientific forum

From March 29 to April 2, 2022, representatives of the Institute for the Humanities of IvSU took part in the III International Practical Conference “Dialogue of Cultures. Culture of Dialogue: Digital Communications“. This event was organized and held in a mixed format by the Institute of Foreign Languages of Moscow City University (MSPU).

25 Марта, 2022
The first creative session within the framework of the federal project “League of the Future”

The first creative session within the framework of the federal project “League of the Future”

Ivanovo State University launched the “League of the Future” project of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs (Rosmolodezh).

21 Марта, 2022
First international youth scientific conference “Equality of rights for men and women in Russia and in the world: the scientific potential of youth research”

First international youth scientific conference “Equality of rights for men and women in Russia and in the world: the scientific potential of youth research”

On March 19, 2022, the first international scientific youth conference on equality between men and women was held at Ivanovo State University, which was attended by about 100 undergraduate students, masters and postgraduates from seven countries and 26 Russian universities.

17 Марта, 2022
“Escalator of Meanings” for Graduates

“Escalator of Meanings” for Graduates

On March 17 at 13:00 in the assembly hall of the 1st building of the IvSU, an informational meeting of the university administration with 4th year students of all departments of preparation for admission to the master's program – “Escalator of Meanings” began.

14 Марта, 2022
Interactive project of RMCE “Travel with IvSU” in Podvyaznovskaya school

Interactive project of RMCE “Travel with IvSU” in Podvyaznovskaya school

On March 11, the delegation of foreign students and teachers from the Center for Russian Studies and International Education of our university held an unusual event “Travel with IvSU” at the “Podvyaznovskaya secondary school” (Ivanovo region).

09 Марта, 2022
Cryptocurrencies in the modern world

Cryptocurrencies in the modern world

On March 9, at the recently opened “Boiling Point – IvSU”, an event was held by the Institute of Social and Economic Sciences in the format of a discussion on a topical and still not fully studied theme: “Cryptocurrencies in the modern world”.

02 Марта, 2022
Spring came to IvSU

Spring came to IvSU

On March 1, in the assembly hall of the 1st IvSU academic building and in the hall of the academic building No. 6, we started the program of festive events “Tender March”.

28 Февраля, 2022
IvSU opened its doors to future applicants

IvSU opened its doors to future applicants

On February 27 Ivanovo State University held an Open Doors Day in off-line format in the 1st academic building. Such a significant event, of course, could not but spread to a variety of venues. Among them there was an assembly hall, a reading room, a conference room, as well as the “Boiling Point – IvSU”.
