An admission campaign to universities has been launched in the region. All higher educational institutions, including Ivanovo State University, opened their doors for applicants.
On June 23 in the conference hall of the 6th academic building a solemn ceremony of awarding Letters of Gratitude from Children's Rights Ombudsman in the Ivanovo region was held. This is an annual ceremony, and such letters are given to both children and adults. The second ("adult") part of this event took place at IvSU. At the event projects related to achievements in the field of child development and child interest protection and their participants were awarded.
On June 14 in Ivanovo Center for Culture and Recreation the results of the I Regional Competition "Inclusion – the world we live in" were summed up. This competition aims to promote inclusion and the acceptance of people with disabilities among students of educational institutions. Students of the 1st and 2nd years of Pedagogical Education (Teaching Foreign Languages) programme took part in the organization of the award ceremony.
On June, 12 we celebrate a very important holiday for all citizens of our country. There have never been cloudless periods in the history of our Motherland, but it has always overcome difficulties with honor. Day of Russia today is a holiday of love and respect for the Motherland, a symbol of our independence, national unity and freedom.
On June, 10 the winners of the interuniversity competition "Growth Point" (in the Ivanovo region) organized by Federal Antimonopoly Service were awarded with certificates and valuable prizes.
Ivanovo State University took the highest place among the universities of the Ivanovo region in recently published "National aggregate ranking of universities 2021".
The 26th International Conference of the National Association of Teachers of English (NATE Russia) “Digital Change in ELT Community” took place on June 2-5, 2021 in Moscow (MISIS). The conference was held in a mixed format in English.
From May, 27 to May, 29 the 16th World Championship in Sports Aerobics was held at the National Gymnastics Arena in Baku. IvSU student, master of sports Maria Tereshina became the winner of the competition as part of the Russian national team in the "Gymnastic platform" nomination. We sincerely congratulate Maria on this highest achievement! We are proud of such students!
On June, 1 in the sports centre of Ivanovo State University, the annual "Sports Festival" was held. It combined the awarding of distinguished athletes and prize-winners of sports contests and dynamic performances of talented IvSU students.