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29 Ноября, 2021
Legal assistance to foreign students

Legal assistance to foreign students

On November 26, 2021 within the framework of a single All-Russian Day of Free Legal Aid, held at the initiative of the Ivanovo regional branch of the Association of Russian Lawyers, interns of the Student Legal Aid Center (legal clinic) of Ivanovo State University (headed by Nina V. Isaeva, head of the Department of Constitutional Law and Human Rights) and Kulikova Yana, a research associate of IvSU REC "Accessible Legal Environment", conducted an educational and legal master class for foreign students on the topic: "Legal foundations of medical assistance to foreign students in the Russian Federation."

25 Ноября, 2021
IvSU launches training in two new educational programmes

IvSU launches training in two new educational programmes

Next academic year Ivanovo State University will launch two new educational programmes.

17 Ноября, 2021
Concert for International Students' Day

Concert for International Students' Day

Every year on November 17, students around the world celebrate their most beloved and important holiday – International Students’ Day.

10 Ноября, 2021
Online meeting with Heinrich Zertik

Online meeting with Heinrich Zertik

On November 10, students and teachers of IvSU took part in a meeting with Heinrich Zertik, a consultant to the Federal Council of the CDU of Germany, a member of the CDU Land Council of the Federal State of North Rhine-Westphalia, a former deputy of the German Bundestag, a member of the Committee on International Affairs. The meeting was attended by over 70 people.

03 Ноября, 2021
A holiday of unity and solidarity

A holiday of unity and solidarity

Back in school, passing through the ancient Russian "military tale" "The Lay of Igor's Regiment", many of us thought: it is difficult to read, and these are the problems of "bygone days"...

01 Ноября, 2021
Law students of IvSU took part in the International Academic Week

Law students of IvSU took part in the International Academic Week

Within the framework of the International Academic Week held at IvSU, the Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Law of Editepe University (Turkey, Istanbul), Dr. Baris Erman, and Honorary Professor of IvSU, Dr. Martin Finke (Germany, Passau) delivered lectures on the topics “Social media and criminal law "and "The role of suspicion in prosecution" for law students. These lectures were a continuation of the long-term fruitful cooperation of the Faculty of Law with the Universities of Passau and Yeditepe.

01 Ноября, 2021
First International Academic Week at IvSU

First International Academic Week at IvSU

From October 25 to October 29, the first International Academic Week was held at IvSU. The goal of the project is to acquaint students of different areas of training with research and the specifics of the work of foreign scientists, teachers and graduates of our university. 10 speakers from Germany, Iceland, Turkey, USA and Luxembourg held online meetings with more than 400 students on Zoom and Google meet platforms.

31 Октября, 2021
Lecture by the Honorary professor of IvSU Martin Finke

Lecture by the Honorary professor of IvSU Martin Finke

On October 29, within the framework of the International Academic Week, Doctor, professor, Honorary doctor of St. Petersburg State University and Ivanovo State University Martin Finke delivered an online lecture on the initiative of the head of the REC "Interuniversity Research and Educational Center of German Law", associate professor of IvSU Evgeny Potseluev.

29 Октября, 2021
How to behave after being vaccinated against COVID-19?

How to behave after being vaccinated against COVID-19?

Rospotrebnadzor reminds that COVID-19 is a very dangerous infection that can have an unfavorable outcome. Infectionists and epidemiologists are unanimous: only vaccination, which is carried out within a short period of time, when a large pool of protected people is created in the population and the transmission of the virus from person to person is interrupted, can stop the further increase in the incidence and finally cope with the epidemic.
