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26 Мая, 2021
Student years are just the time to participate in big projects!

Student years are just the time to participate in big projects!

On May 26, 2021 at 11: 30-12: 30 in the assembly hall of the 1st IvSU study building the university administration held the meeting with students which was dedicated to the prospects of their participation in modern forums, competitions and projects at various levels.

25 Мая, 2021
Opening of the International scientific and practical conference on the Russian language

Opening of the International scientific and practical conference on the Russian language

On May 25, 2021 at 10 AM in the conference hall of the 6th study building of IvSU, the opening of the I International scientific and practical conference "Russian language and culture in the international educational space" took place.

25 Мая, 2021
IvSU celebrated Day of Slavic Writing and Culture

IvSU celebrated Day of Slavic Writing and Culture

On May, 24 the Department of Russian Philology of the Institute of Humanities held an annual meeting of the Slavic Club dedicated to the Day of Slavic Writing and Culture.

21 Мая, 2021
Rectorate meeting IvSU students

Rectorate meeting IvSU students

On May, 21 in the assembly hall of the 1st study building IvSU rector Aleksey Malygin and the vice-rectors met group monitors and a student initiative group.

21 Мая, 2021
IvSU students took part in New Knowledge marathon

IvSU students took part in New Knowledge marathon

On May, 21 IvSU students joined New Knowledge online marathon and listened to top-ranking speakers.

14 Мая, 2021
English elocution contest

English elocution contest

On May, 14 IvSU held the final of the regional English elocution contest in TED-talks style. Foreign Philology Department of IvSU Institute of Humanities and IVELTA (Ivanovo English Language Teachers Association) initiated the event.

08 Мая, 2021
We remember. We are proud!

We remember. We are proud!

The years of the Great Patriotic War are receding to the past. They were years of hard labour, terrible ordeals that Russian people had to undergo in and behind the lines. Time obliterates facts, events and names of those who didn’t spare themselves defeating our Motherland. At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War the majority of young students and some teachers of Ivanovo Pedagogical Institute went off to war.

01 Мая, 2021
May relay race

May relay race

The team of Ivanovo State University joined the traditional relay race devoted to the May Day. Our congratulations to the girls’ team with the third place!

01 Мая, 2021
Shakespeare readings – 2021

Shakespeare readings – 2021

On April, 30 in the frames of International scientific and practical festival “Science and researches in the classical university” traditional 29th “Shakespeare readings” organized by the Foreign Philology Department took place.
