On April, 29 Ivanovo State University held the International historical dictation on the events of the Great Patriotic War – “Dictation of Victory”.
On April, 30 Ivanovo State University signed an Agreement on cooperation with the Ivanovo Department of the Ministry of Justice and Ivanovo Child Ombudsman. The Agreement covers cooperation in the sphere of free legal aid and legal education for people of Ivanovo region including minors, defense of children’s rights and prevention of their violation. Besides, parties agreed to share information, legal, scientific and organizational resources in planning and fulfilling of joint events.
On April, 29 IvSU staff and the full rectorate organized a season yard cleaning on the territory of the University.
This year the IvSU Festival of Science and the Conference concurred with the 45-th anniversary of IvSU Liquid Crystal Problem Laboratory which was reorganized to Nanomaterials Research Institute in 2008.
On April, 18-23 Moscow Model of United Nations named after Vitaliy Churkin took place offline in Moscow. This year this prestigious event for International Relations students gathered around 700 delegates from Russia and many other countries. At the conference our university was represented by students of Institute for Humanities (International Relations program) – Aleksandr Varzin and Kristina Terent’eva. The conference held 13 UN committees moderated in Russian, English, German, French, Spanish, Arabian and Chinese languages.
The final of All-Russian contest for participants of “German for profession and career” project – All-Russian online business fair took place online on April, 23.
On April, 23 Ivanovo State University held the zoom meeting for third-and fourth-year students of “Foreign Philology” program studying Italian and students from the University of Florence studying Russian. The aim of the event was to give students a chance to speak foreign languages to native speakers. The meeting was coordinated by Ekaterina Grigorieva, the teacher of the Foreign Philology Department.
Events devoted to the 45th anniversary of IvSU Botanic garden were carried out from April, 21 to April, 25.
The regional contest “German for profession and career” took place in IvSU on April, 16. It was supported by German cultural center named by Goethe and Regional education department. School, college and IvSU students participated in the contest. It was organized as a fair of study firms in the frames of the project which has been fulfilled in IvSU since 2018.